Common usecase for an integrating system is to create a Registry Entry(Journalpost
) and a single Document(Dokument
) with a single DocumentVersion(Dokumentversjon
) and an electronic document uploaded. The Registry Entry (Journalpost
) is linked to an existing Case File (Saksmappe
Accomplishing this through the API is done following a set of steps outlined in the diagram below.
Aquiring an OAuth2 access token is done through the configured Identity Provider (IDP) used by the customer. Details on how to get the access token, how it should be cached and renewed can be found in Authentication and Authorization section of the documentation.
Already created case files in the Documaster system can be found using the POST /query
operation. Recommended case files query criteria would be the case year and sequence number (saksaar
and sakssekvensnummer
) or an externalID (through refExternId
Examples below retrieve a case with externalID : ISID:0000004572, case year : 2021 and sequence number : 6.
Query Request by CaseYear and CaseSequenceNumber
POST https://<documaster-instance> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Type: application/json
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type: application/json
"type": "Saksmappe",
"limit": 1,
"query": "saksaar = @caseYear && sakssekvensnummer = @caseSequenceNumber",
"parameters" : {
"@caseYear" : "2021",
"@caseSequenceNumber" : "6"
Query Request by ExternalID
POST https://<documaster-instance> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Type: application/json
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type: application/json
"type": "Saksmappe",
"limit": 1,
"query": "refEksternId.eksterntSystem = @externalSystemID && refEksternId.eksternID = @externalID",
"parameters" : {
"@externalSystemID": "Integrating System 1",
"@externalID" : "ISID:0000004572"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"hasMore": false,
"results": [
"type": "Saksmappe",
"id": "981",
"version": "8",
"fields": {
"uuid": "31b474d1-9474-4139-b1e6-2d0ffb77b2e0",
"opprettetDato": "2021-11-25T13:51:10.494+0100",
"opprettetAv": "External Integrator ACME",
"opprettetAvBrukerIdent": "e6e6318e-fdcb-41cb-ae3a-1940f98ea153",
"mappeIdent": "2021/6",
"tittel": "API Created Case File",
"beskrivelse": "First API created Case File",
"dokumentmedium": "E",
"saksaar": 2021,
"sakssekvensnummer": 6,
"saksdato": "2021-11-25",
"administrativEnhet": "AD1",
"saksansvarlig": "External Integrator ACME",
"saksansvarligBrukerIdent": "e6e6318e-fdcb-41cb-ae3a-1940f98ea153",
"saksstatus": "B"
"links": {
"refPrimaerKlasse": 681,
"refArkivdel": 688
Query by CaseYear and CaseSequenceNumber
// client is an instance of NoarkClient
QueryResponse<Saksmappe> queryResults = client.query(Saksmappe.class, "saksaar = @caseYear && sakssekvensnummer = @caseSequenceNumber", 1)
.addQueryParam("@caseYear", "2021")
.addQueryParam("@caseSequenceNumber", "6")
if (!queryResults.getResults().isEmpty()) {
Optional<Saksmappe> first = queryResults.getResults().stream().findFirst();
// ID of the first case file, assuming only one is returned
String caseFileID = first.get().getId();
Query Request by ExternalID
// client is an instance of NoarkClient
QueryResponse<Saksmappe> queryResults = client.query(Saksmappe.class, "refEksternId.eksterntSystem = @externalSystemID && refEksternId.eksternID = @externalID", 1)
.addQueryParam("@externalSystemID", "Integrating System 1")
.addQueryParam("@externalID", "ISID:0000004572")
if (!queryResults.getResults().isEmpty()) {
Optional<Saksmappe> first = queryResults.getResults().stream().findFirst();
// ID of the first case file, assuming only one is returned
String caseFileID = first.get().getId();
Important detail to be retrieved from the response is the ID of the existing case file - $.results[0].id
in this case equal to 981. Client SDKs faciliate the extraction of the ID from the response as shown in the examples.
Creating a new registry entry is described in details in this example, here it is provided for completenes. Bear in mind that the retrieved CaseFile ID (Saksmappe
) should be used to link the newly created RegistryEntry to it. This is done (in the case of the raw HTTP API) through the element $.actions[1].linkToId
as can be seen below.
POST https://<documaster-instance> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Type: application/json
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type: application/json
"actions": [
"action": "save",
"type": "Journalpost",
"id": "journalpost-temp-id-1",
"fields": {
"tittel": "API Created Registry Entry",
"beskrivelse": "Registry Entry Description",
"journalposttype": "U"
"action": "link",
"type": "Journalpost",
"id": "journalpost-temp-id-1",
"ref": "refMappe",
"linkToId": "981"
"action": "save",
"type": "Korrespondansepart",
"id": "korrespondansepart-temp-id-1",
"fields": {
"korrespondanseparttype": "EA",
"korrespondansepartNavn": "Correspondence Party Name"
"action": "link",
"type": "Korrespondansepart",
"id": "korrespondansepart-temp-id-1",
"ref": "refRegistrering",
"linkToId": "journalpost-temp-id-1"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"saved": {
"journalpost-temp-id-1": {
"type": "Journalpost",
"id": "994",
"version": "8",
"fields": {
"uuid": "cf7eb80b-5c58-4418-b3e5-fb09c978e794",
"opprettetDato": "2021-11-25T14:18:55.674+0100",
"opprettetAv": "External Integrator ACME",
"opprettetAvBrukerIdent": "e6e6318e-fdcb-41cb-ae3a-1940f98ea153",
"registreringsIdent": "2021/9",
"tittel": "API Created Registry Entry",
"beskrivelse": "Registry Entry Description",
"registreringsDato": "2021-11-25T14:18:55.714+0100",
"dokumentmedium": "E",
"journalaar": 2021,
"journalsekvensnummer": 9,
"journalpostnummer": 1,
"journalansvarlig": "External Integrator ACME",
"journalansvarligBrukerIdent": "e6e6318e-fdcb-41cb-ae3a-1940f98ea153",
"journalposttype": "U",
"journalstatus": "J",
"skjermKorrespondanseParterEInnsyn": false
"links": {
"refMappe": 981
"korrespondansepart-temp-id-1": {
"type": "Korrespondansepart",
"id": "995",
"version": "3",
"fields": {
"uuid": "ff3ec7de-6451-4347-88e2-0b81de6f1b75",
"opprettetDato": "2021-11-25T14:18:55.718+0100",
"opprettetAv": "External Integrator ACME",
"opprettetAvBrukerIdent": "e6e6318e-fdcb-41cb-ae3a-1940f98ea153",
"korrespondanseparttype": "EA",
"korrespondansepartNavn": "Correspondence Party Name"
"links": {
"refRegistrering": 994
Uploading a document is done using the POST /upload
operation. The file content is streamed in the API request and as a result the API returns a new unique identifier of this electronic document. The document is deleted from Documaster Archive in case it is not linked for a certain period of time to a DocumentVersion (Documentverjion
) and from there to a Document (Dokument
The ID of the electronic document is not the same ID as the one of the Document (Dokument
) entity objects. Document (Dokument
) entity object is metadata describing the document, while the ID returned as a result of this operation identfies the actually uploaded document.
POST https://<documaster-instance> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sample-document.pdf"; filename*=utf-8''sample-document.pdf
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
... binary file content ...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
ID of the electronic document is extracted from $.id
of the response.
As a final set of steps to be executed as part of this use case, a Document (Dokument
) and DocumentVersion (Dokumentversjion
) should be created. The electronic document ID, created in the previous step is now used in the creation of the DocumentVersion(Dokumentversjion
) through the field $.actions[?(@.action == 'save' && @.type=='Dokumentversjon')].fields.referanseDokumentfil
, which is a field of DocumentVersion.
POST https://<documaster-instance> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Type: application/json
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type: application/json
"actions": [
"action": "save",
"type": "Dokument",
"id": "dokument-temp-id-1",
"fields": {
"tittel": "sample-document.pdf",
"tilknyttetRegistreringSom": "V"
"action": "link",
"type": "Dokument",
"id": "dokument-temp-id-1",
"ref": "refRegistrering",
"linkToId": "994"
"action": "save",
"type": "Dokumentversjon",
"id": "dokumentversjon-temp-id-1",
"fields": {
"format": "pdf",
"referanseDokumentfil": "1079",
"variantformat": "P"
"action": "link",
"type": "Dokumentversjon",
"id": "dokumentversjon-temp-id-1",
"ref": "refDokument",
"linkToId": "dokument-temp-id-1"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"saved": {
"dokument-temp-id-1": {
"type": "Dokument",
"id": "1081",
"version": "7",
"fields": {
"uuid": "8775e127-29ad-48de-a549-7a0c75ab0bd2",
"opprettetDato": "2021-11-25T14:58:35.242+0100",
"opprettetAv": "External Integrator ACME",
"opprettetAvBrukerIdent": "e6e6318e-fdcb-41cb-ae3a-1940f98ea153",
"dokumentstatus": "B",
"tittel": "sample-document.pdf",
"dokumentmedium": "E",
"tilknyttetRegistreringSom": "V",
"dokumentnummer": 2
"links": {
"refRegistrering": 994
"dokumentversjon-temp-id-1": {
"type": "Dokumentversjon",
"id": "1082",
"version": "5",
"fields": {
"uuid": "f20796a3-3550-4c87-85dd-36bc18cc65f7",
"opprettetDato": "2021-11-25T14:58:35.250+0100",
"opprettetAv": "External Integrator ACME",
"opprettetAvBrukerIdent": "e6e6318e-fdcb-41cb-ae3a-1940f98ea153",
"versjonsnummer": 1,
"variantformat": "P",
"format": "pdf",
"kryptertDokument": false,
"sjekksum": "59844ce7572b1411445179c25e4182e328e43391d733782828277f22e340166b",
"sjekksumAlgoritme": "SHA-256",
"filstoerrelse": 3191,
"filnavn": "sample-document.pdf",
"referanseDokumentfil": "1079",
"innholdstype": "application/pdf"
"links": {
"refDokument": 1081