Logs Operations


Logs operations are used to query the different logs available on the archive side - change log, access log, download log.

POST /noark5/v1/logs/change-log

The operation is used to retreive the change log entries for a specific archive entity instance.

HTTP Request
Field Location Mandatory Type Description
Authorization string access token aquired as part of the authentication call, prefixed with Bearer
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type string custom header indicating that any error should be reported in JSON format, rather than the standard text format, should always be provided as application/json
$.type string type of the core entity for which the change log entries should be returned.
Supported types : AbstraktMappe, Mappe, Saksmappe, Moetemappe, AbstraktRegistrering, Arkivnotat, Basisregistrering, Journalpost, Moeteregistrering, or Dokument
$.id string unique identifier of the entity
$.offset number offset of the first result of the query
$.limit number maximum number of change log entries to be returned
HTTP Response

The operation returns HTTP 200 OK in case of success or any of the standard error codes defined.

Field Location Type Description
Content-Type string content type header, always is application/json
$.results[] array list of change log entries
$.results[].id string core entity type for which the list is defined
$.results[].type string core entity type for which the list is defined
$.results[].revisionId string identitifier of the revision
$.results[].revisionType string the type of the revision
$.results[].modifiedDate timestamp the date at which the modification was done
$.results[].modifiedBy string the user who modified the entity
$.results[].modifiedField string the field which was modified
Returned only for UPDATE, LINK, UNLINK revision types.
$.results[].modifiedFieldType string type of the field which was modified
Returned only for UPDATE revision type.
$.results[].newValue object
Returned only for CREARE, UPDATE, LINK revision types.
$.results[].oldValue object
Returned only for UPDATE, DELETE revision types.
$.results[].removedValue object
Returned only for LINK, UNLINK revision types.
$.results[].previousParent object
Returned only for MOVE revision type.
$.results[].currentParent object
Returned only for MOVE revision type.


POST https://v2-34-0.local.documaster.tech:8083/rms/api/public/noark5/v1/logs/change-log HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Type: application/json
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type: application/json

  "type": "Journalpost",
  "id": "27112"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "results": [
      "id": string,
      "type": string,
      "revisionId": string,
      "revisionType": string,
      "modifiedDate": timestamp,
      "modifiedBy": string,
      "modifiedField": string,
      "modifiedFieldType": string,
      "newValue": {
        string: string|number|date|boolean|null,
      "oldValue": {
        string: string|number|date|boolean|null,
      "removedValue": {
        string: string|number|date|boolean|null,
      "previousParent": {
        string: string|number|date|boolean|null,
      "currentParent": {
        string: string|number|date|boolean|null,
  "total": number 

POST /noark5/v1/logs/access-log

The operation is used to retreive the access log entries for specific set of archive entity instances.

HTTP Request
Field Location Mandatory Type Description
Authorization string access token aquired as part of the authentication call, prefixed with Bearer
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type string custom header indicating that any error should be reported in JSON format, rather than the standard text format, should always be provided as application/json
$.createdDateFrom string start date for the period for which the access log entries are retrieved
$.createdDateTo string end date for the period for which access log entries are retrieved
$.userName string username for which the access log entries to be filtered
$.objectType string type of the core entities for which access log entries would be returned
$.objectUUIDs array set of core entities system IDs for which access log entries to be returned
$.offset number offset of the first result of the query
$.limit number maximum number of access log entries to be returned
HTTP Response

The operation returns HTTP 200 OK in case of success or any of the standard error codes defined.

Field Location Type Description
Content-Type string content type header, always is application/json
$.results[] array list of access log entries
$.results[].createdDate timestamp date at which the access to the entry happened
$.results[].username string username of the user that accessed the entity
$.results[].objectType string type of the entity being accessed
$.results[].objectUUID string system ID of the accessed entity
$.results[].version timestamp version of the entity accessed
$.hasMore boolean indicator if the list of access log entries has more elements to be retrieved


POST https://v2-34-0.local.documaster.tech:8083/rms/api/public/noark5/v1/logs/access-log HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Type: application/json
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type: application/json

  "objectType": "Journalpost",
  "objectUUIDs": ["55e4ac03-7438-4799-8fe1-802d01ed75b2"]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "results": [
      "createdDate": timestamp,
      "userName": string,
      "objectType": string,
      "objectUUID": string,
      "version": number
  "hasMore": boolean

POST /noark5/v1/logs/download-log

The operation is used to retreive the download log entries for specific set of Document Version (Dokumentversjon) entities.

HTTP Request
Field Location Mandatory Type Description
Authorization string access token aquired as part of the authentication call, prefixed with Bearer
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type string custom header indicating that any error should be reported in JSON format, rather than the standard text format, should always be provided as application/json
$.createdDateFrom string start date for the period for which the download log entries are retrieved
$.createdDateTo string end date for the period for which download log entries are retrieved
$.userName string username for which the download log entries to be filtered
$.dokumentversjonUUIDs array set of Document Version (Dokumentversjon) entities system IDs for which download log entries to be returned
$.offset number offset of the first result of the query
$.limit number maximum number of download log entries to be returned
HTTP Response

The operation returns HTTP 200 OK in case of success or any of the standard error codes defined.

Field Location Type Description
Content-Type string content type header, always is application/json
$.results[] array list of download log entries
$.results[].createdDate timestamp date at which the download of the document happened
$.results[].username string username of the user that downloaded the document
$.results[].dokumentversjonUUID string system ID of the downloaded Document Version (Dokumentversjon)
$.hasMore boolean indicator if the list of download log entries has more elements to be retrieved


POST https://v2-34-0.local.documaster.tech:8083/rms/api/public/noark5/v1/logs/access-log HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Type: application/json
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type: application/json

  "dokumentversjonUUID": ["55e4ac03-7438-4799-8fe1-802d01ed75b3"]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "results": [
      "createdDate": timestamp,
      "userName": string,
      "dokumentversjonUUID": string
  "hasMore": boolean