Bulk Operations


Bulk operations allow control over large set of entities for opening and closing them. The operations listed below are technically changing the status of the modified objects, thus limiting the possibility of any future changes.

POST /noark5/v1/bulk/open

The operation is used to open a parent entity and all of its child entities recursively. The operation returns immediately and execution of the requested change is done in an asynchronous way.

HTTP Request
Field Location Mandatory Type Description
Authorization string access token aquired as part of the authentication call, prefixed with Bearer
Content-Type string content type header, should always be provided as application/json
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type string custom header indicating that any error should be reported in JSON format, rather than the standard text format, should always be provided as application/json
$.type string type of the core entity managed. Supported values are as follows : Arkiv, Arkivdel, AbstraktMappe, AbstraktRegistrering, DokumentBeskrivelse, Klassifikasjonssystem, Klasse.
$.id string identifier of the entity to be opened
HTTP Response

The operation returns HTTP 202 Accepted in case of success or any of the standard error codes defined.

Currently .NET/C# and Java clients don’t support the operation.


POST https://<documaster-instance>.local.documaster.tech:8083/rms/api/public/noark5/v1/bulk/open HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Type: application/json

  "type": "AbstraktMappe",
  "id": "9498"


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

POST /noark5/v1/bulk/close

The operation is used to close a parent entity and all of its child entities recursively. The operation returns immediately and execution of the requested change is done in an asynchronous way.

HTTP Request
Field Location Mandatory Type Description
Authorization string access token aquired as part of the authentication call, prefixed with Bearer
Content-Type string content type header, should always be provided as application/json
X-Documaster-Error-Response-Type string custom header indicating that any error should be reported in JSON format, rather than the standard text format, should always be provided as application/json
$.type string type of the core entity managed. Supported values are as follows : Arkiv, Arkivdel, AbstraktMappe, AbstraktRegistrering, DokumentBeskrivelse, Klassifikasjonssystem, Klasse.
$.id string identifier of the entity to be closed
HTTP Response

The operation returns HTTP 202 Accepted in case of success or any of the standard error codes defined.

Currently .NET/C# and Java clients don’t support the operation.


POST https://<documaster-instance>.local.documaster.tech:8083/rms/api/public/noark5/v1/bulk/close HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{accessTokenIntegrator}}
Content-Type: application/json

  "type": "AbstraktMappe",
  "id": "9498"


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted