

Series (Arkivdel) is an entity representing a section of the archive under the Fonds (Arkiv).

  • Entity name in the API : Arkivdel.
  • Being a core Noark5 model entity, Series (Arkivdel) is created/modified using the Transaction :: POST /transaction operation.
  • Series (Arkivdel) can contain multiple Folders (or Records)
  • Series (Arkivdel) can have a single primary classification system (Klassifikasjonssystem) and many secondary classification systems.


Data Fields

Common Data Fields

Following the Noark5 specification requirements and the internal implementation details the following set of data fields are present for all entities :

Field Name Type Noark Metadata No. Required on Create Value Always Available Modifiable Description
id string unique entity identifier in the specific Documaster installation, used for referencing the entity in the API. The id for created entities is a numeric value.
Default : new value generated on creation
version string contains the verions of the entity, used for optimistic locking
Default : sequence version number of the entity
uuid string M001 globally unique identification of the entity, an UUID value (sysemId)
Default : new value generated on creation
Indexed, Sortable
opprettetDato timestamp M600 date and time at which the entity was created (createdDate)
Default : current date time
Indexed, Sortable
opprettetAv string M601 name of the user that created the entity (createdBy)
Default : logged in user name
opprettetAvBrukerIdent string M601 identifier of the user that created the entity (createdByIdent)
Default : logged in user identifier

Arkivdel Specific Data Fields

Field Name Type Noark Metadata No. Required on Create Value Always Available Modifiable Description
tittel string M020 title of the series (title)
beskrivelse string M021 description of the series (description)
arkivdelstatus string M051 status of the series (seriesStatus)
Code List : arkivdelstatus
Default : A - Aktiv periode
dokumentmedium string M300 indication of whether the series contains physical documents, electronic documents or a mixture of physical and electronic documents
Code List : dokumentmedium
Default : E - Elektronisk arkiv
arkivperiodeStartDato date M107 start date of the series (seriesStartDate)
arkivperiodeSluttDato date M108 end date of the series (seriesEndDate)
overlappingsperiodeSluttdato date overlapping period end date for the series. The series should have a series associated to it, which would be used to archive data after this date. (overlappingPeriodEndDate)
skjerming string M500 indication that the documents belonging to the series are not publicly available in accordance with the Public Access to Information Act (offentlighetsloven) or for any other reason (accessRestriction)
Code List : skjerming

Reference Fields

Field Name Referenced Entity Type Cardinality Link Required on Create Reference Always Available Modifiable Description
refArkiv Arkiv 1 reference to Fonds (Arkiv) under which the Series (Arkivdel) resides
refPrimaerKlassifikasjonssystem Klassifikasjonssystem 0 . . 1 reference to a Classificaton System (Klassifikasjonssystem) which is the primary classification system of the Series (Arkivdel)
refSekundaerKlassifikasjonssystem Klassifikasjonssystem 0 . . * reference to one or more Classificaton Systems (Klassifikasjonssystem) which are linked as secondary classification system of the Series (Arkivdel)
refMappe AbstraktMappe 0 . . * reference to one or more Folders (AbstraktMappe) under the Series
refRegistrering AbstraktRegistrering 0 . . * reference to one or more Records (AbstraktRegistrering) under the Series
refArkivdelForloeper Arkivdel 0 . . 1 reference to a Series (Arkivdel) which was overlapped by the current series
refArkivdelArvtaker Arkivdel 0 . . 1 reference to a Series (Arkivdel) which would be used to keep newly archived records, after the current series is closed with status that there is overlapping series